Movie anatomization : Jurassic World!

One of the most awaited movie of the year - JURASSIC WORLD is released.When I first saw its trailer, it had really excited me. I had hoped to see something new and interesting this time. Obviously, it is difficult to re-invent more stories with dinosaurs.



The reason of my excitement was due to the fact, that this was my first - dinosaur themed movies which I would see in the theaters and to add - in 3D. I had prepared myself for the plethora of innocent deaths and mass destruction by the gigantic creatures.

Going with high hopes for a movie and how does it feel , if it ended more in a dejavu?!

Directed by Colin Trevorrow, this movie attempts at doing what they have tried in the previous versions of Jurassic park, with way more modernization and technicalities involved.

It starts with the concept borrowed from the first movie itself, the dream seen by John Hammond.
Jurassic world is a fully themed dinosaur park located in a far off island - Isla Nublar. It offers a lot of  amusing attractions with dinosaurs. It ranges from dinosaur shows, rides with the dinosaurs and many other enjoyable attractions for the kids and adults combined.
But frankly nothing can beat the first introduction of dinosaurs to us in the Jurassic Park series.

Claire as the shrude park manager plays her role of only being worried about the numbers and statistics, she is so involved in her work - that she cannot find time for her nephews who have come on a trip to Isla Nublar. Work is of top most priority for her.
And I am proud to see our talented Bollywood actor Irfan Khan in the role of the owner of the park, who has a fair amount of role and not a blink and miss role. He is portrayed as the team player and leader who wants to give the masses something more and exciting. He is shown in good light as someone who walks with his team in time of trouble and firefighting.
Then the most handsome man in the movie - is the raptor's trainer Sam. These raptors are being tried to be trained by men where they are trying to establish a relationship - a bonding with these deadly animals - a strenuous task. These are the same raptors who were responsible for the close down of the Jurassic Park built earlier.
Then as every story has it, we have of course the bad guys, who are always there to utilize every wrong situation in their favor.

The story revolves around the Indominous Rex -  a genetically bred dinosaur with mixture of DNAs from animals - which attributes it to being  huge, aggressive and smarter.
In an attempt to give the masses a new reason to visit the park and to increase the numbers, the scientists have created a Frankenstein's monster - of which they are totally unaware about.

With the animal on loose and out of control - there is a sudden shift from it being a major attraction to  being a major disaster - this animal is so smart that it goes on a destruction mode.
There is a dialogue in the movie - where Sam says " She is killing for sport."
She creates mayhem at extreme lengths.

And yet another Jurassic series movie - with siblings vanished.
Them being the reason , there is a sudden transformation portrayed in Claire with a sense of responsibility and love for them.

After all the hullabaloo by the deadly programmed monster - the movie tries to portray terrific transformation of the killer raptors showing emotional bonding with humans and trying to save Sam and company. This was something defying their nature.

The final hero of the show are the gigantic T-rex and rapters who bail everyone out of the deadly chaotic situation.
Without saying they are the ones to be applauded for the entire rescue operation. This a major twist in the movie, which also gives weird sense of dejavu - similar thing seen in end of Godzilla(where another Godzilla saves the world from the killer Godzilla).

There are only few scenes from the movie which are really gripping and nail biting.I was literally scared by the enormous mighty animals creating havoc and suspense on who would be next - in the killing spree.

Eventually the dire sequences of the events lead to the dream turned reality coming to a halt, and yet again being home to the mighty undefeated dinosaurs.

This movie tries to deliver something nostalgic along with the introduction of exciting features in Jurassic World. A decent fun ride to the theme park. Enjoyable but not much new things to offer.
The 3D effect - did not really live up to my expectations. They could have done way better than this.

A reminiscence of the Jurassic Park series. :)


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