Corporate Social Responsibility activity : Classroom painting at Epiphany school, Pune

As a part of "we are committed to doing good" being celebrated in our company, various activities were conducted. The activities ranged from library setup, fund raiser stalls, excursion - industry visit, industry expert speaks and classroom painting.

Classroom paintings were being conducted in our beneficiary schools, to make learning fun for the children in the schools. 
The one I attended was conducted at Epiphany school, next to St.Teresa church near Guruvar peth,Pune.

It was a fun filled event. Around 15 people had joined for the noble cause. It was just perplexing to see the creativity in the people in coming up with themes to be put up in the classes. 

Apart from all the sketching and the paintings, the best part was meeting the two teachers from TFI (Teach for India).They were the class teachers of the classes which were being painted by us.
It was very inspiring to see their dedication in educating their kids -  their vision, their thoughts, their ownership - always stating "MY" kids whenever referring to the students - it was just remarkable.
They provided us with themes, that they wanted for their kids in the classes.
It helped us understand how they are taking the path forward for transforming the thinking of their kids.

We had gone with a very rough idea to fill the place with cartoon characters and some flowers, trees and some quotes here and there. But after having a word with the teachers, we could totally connect with their breadth of view.  It totally changed our perspective as well.

So now with a mission,we filled the classrooms with inspiring thoughts, quotes , pictures and made them extremely colorful.

The theme of the class on which we were working was - CHANGE MAKERS.

"Be the change you want to see."

Also included were the four qualities that the teachers wanted to inculcate in their kids :
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Hard-work
  • Empathy
A lot can be learnt from these teachers and the way they take life.

It is surprising, how in spite of having a plush life, we crib, get frustrated with our life, with our numerous needs, wants and mundane tasks that we indulge in. 
The end result of it all is - we are in a state of un-satisfaction and grumpiness  - but after meeting these teachers it was like an icing on the cake. It was so beautiful and kindling to see how they were concerned about the learning of the kids,how they were dedicated to doing the good and being caring for others.

I really loved it, when each time, they mentioned "MY KIDS WOULD LIKE THIS." It was like they were the mothers who were just worried - how each picture/quote in the class would help mold the future of their kids. Kudos!

Someday, I wish I can also do this and feel content. :)

Do good, feel great! :)

Few photos from the activity:
Classroom paintings done in the earlier year

Classroom paintings done in the earlier year

Classroom paintings done in the earlier year
What was planned for this year, was even more amazing:

Chest of knowledge

Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!

P.S. All the above photos have been clicked by me.


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