Outlook : Why am I Gen C?!

Even before I could register the term “Gen C” by saying it aloud a million times - the first instance made me feel tad bit handicapped about my unawareness to these recent fancy-shancy terms.
Farthest that my memory takes me, the buzz words were Gen X or Gen Y.

But to my astonishment on digging more I found that there does exist Gen X - Gen Y and Gen Z as well. Really?!

To enlighten people like me about Gen X to Z. Here are brief one liners to provide an idea - as per wiki and other Google sources:
Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom(birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.
Generation Y, the generation of people born during the 1980s and early 1990s. Members of Generation Y are often referred to as “echo boomers” because they are the children of parents born during the baby boom (the “baby boomers”).

Generation Z, the generation is most commonly defined with birth years starting in the mid-1990s, although the early or late 1990s  and early 2000s have also been used as starting birth years for this generation.

Having enriched myself with this valuable information I went to hunt about Gen C, one step at a time–  and Gen C differs immensely from the above – it is nowhere close I would say. :D
Having spent considerable time in the IT world I had already taken my guesses, as to what it could possibly mean  – “C” I thought would have its implications somewhere closer to the consumer world.

And to my delight, wohoo... – I was close. J

The sources on google define "Gen C as a powerful and global group of consumers who thrive on creation, curation, connection, and community. The important take away about Gen C is they don't just passively consume—90% create online content at least once a month. They're passionate brand advocates— two thirds agree that : If there is a brand I love, I tend to tell everyone about it."

To say - could I agree more to the above?!
Being an avid reviewer of every restaurant or every new place that I probe to, the definition was not new to me it was just that the word was not coined YET in my vocabulary list. J

With the fresh addition of the word in my vocabulary list, I would put it to use by stating that as a “GEN C” : I proactively use Bloggers, Instagram, Food reviewing sites like Zomato, Twitter and Travel reviewing sites like Trip advisor to advocate my potent views about restaurants and places that I venture to.
I try to explore the new restaurants and places with every opportunity I get. I must say,I do get deeply involved to observe each and every intricate details of the restaurant. These detailings range from the ambiance, cleanliness of the place, behavior of the staff, presentation of the food, quality, quantity and flavors of the dishes served.
The same applies to any new place that I visit – I espy about the location, list the must have for the visit, various dos and don’ts, best time to be there.
The basic motto remains the same - gather as much information as possible and put it across for the world to know.

I have this strong urge to help each and every consumer with my experiences. With the help of my reviews and the photos that I add along, I try my best to provide a visual treat of what’s in store in actuality.
If I like a place I advocate about it strongly and if I dislike the place I voice out my opinion humbly.

As a gen C – I try to connect all through my content centric reviews and value adding pictures.
It helps everyone out there to have access to a sort of database where they can fetch the preferred information as per their needs.
In addition to the consumer even the provider gets constant feedback and would know its good points and its pinch points. It even attributes to bridge the consumer-provider gap.
Above all it promotes active connected consumption instead of passive consumption.

I must not forget to mention my Dadu, as we dearly call him is also an active Gen C contributor. Surprised?!
Yes, even he actively uses social media platforms to gather information, share information and stay connected via various web platforms. This is proof enough that any Gen can be part of Gen C - it encompasses all age groups in its aura.

Gen C is not targeted to a  particular audience but it is here to reach each one out there and bring about value addition.
Snobbishly :P, I claim I am a Gen C - and that my efforts are being recognized - I belong to the online community - I contribute to the community actively with my unbiased reviews - I am an emerging consumer voicing out my opinion – I contribute to relevance and originality.
Despite the Gen C boom, many deem it unnecessary. I would like to point that I actively post out photos including reviews in various social media platforms  – not one but many come and ask me if I get paid for my contribution. :P
But it is out my sheer interest that I contribute – proudly I conclude by saying “This is what the GEN C does” :D :D

P.S It was because of the contribution of the Gen C – that I could make myself aware about the term “GEN C” in the first place and give my take on it!

#iamGenC #amdocs

 Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!


  1. Hey Ankita, We met at Effingut for the Meetup. Kindly mail me at arvindsoju93@gmail.com . Regarding a bloggers table. Do reach out to me asap.



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