Outlook : Sometimes I wonder...

Sometimes I wonder,wouldn't it have been better if I was not born a GIRL?!

I could have enjoyed the perks of life better-restriction free.

On the eve of 68 years of independence,social networking sites are flooded with captions about, what makes one feel independent after 68 years?!

Pondering on the question,I came to a conclusion that nothing makes me feel that I am independent.In a country where women have achieved such heights, I am ashamed to say - "As a woman of this country, I DO NOT FEEL INDEPENDENT." 

Well, to begin with,I am currently working in a multi-national company. I come from a well to do family, earn good enough to lead a lavish lifestyle, but still somewhere it doesn't qualify me to say that I am an independent girl. Why so?!

If you would google the word "Independent", you would find these meanings:


  1. 1.
    free from outside control; not subject to another's authority.
    "an independent nuclear deterrent"
    synonyms:freethinking, individualisticunconventionalmaverickMore

  2. 2.
    not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence.
    "I wanted to remain independent in old age"
    synonyms:self-sufficientself-supportingself-sustainingself-reliantself-standing, able to stand on one's own two feet; More


  1. 1.
    an independent person or body.
    "one of the few independents left in the music business"

So here you you have the answer. Probably I am not dependent on my Dad, for my survival,livelihood or subsistence, but I am still subject to another's authority.

And why I am still subject to another's authority ,it is simply because I am a GIRL!

Each time I step out of the house, I am suppose to inform my parents.Let them know once I return home,so that they can have a sound sleep knowing that their daughter is safe.
Each time I travel abroad, my dad's life becomes chaotic. No matter which part of the world and at what time zone he is in, he will make it a point to call me and check about my whereabouts- if I reached safe or not?!
He always has my entire itinerary handy, to track me.
Each time I travel to Mumbai from Pune, my parents call me numerous times, to make sure I am ok. They take down every details of the car and driver.In their own way they try to take all the safety measure possible. And why is that, it is simply because I am a GIRL!
Well, obviously these things have never been spelled out to me, but one can definitely understand the extra concern all the time.

As a matter of fact,my parents did everything in their capacity to make me independent. They always treated me at par with my brother, gave me the best of education,best of amenities. They always treated me as an equal, never did anything that would differentiate me from my brother. I was allowed to do everything that my brother could. In fact, being the first child of the house, I was always encouraged to do many more things than my brother. There was never any bifurcation based on my gender.And I am sure this holds true for many girls out there.

But the same ME,the minute I step out of  the house,the society plays a pivotal role in making me realize that I am a GIRL.
Does any of this qualify me to call myself independent? And the part of my independence that I have,comes with a price of my parents being worried about me,when ever I step out of the house.
If a girl is treated like a princess at home, she is forced to wear n-number of restrictions once she is out of her nest.

But who forces our loved ones to subject such authority on us? Is it that by their will they are doing this?No,the answer is simple,it is the society that we live in, that forces them to impose these restrictions on us.

Would a guy ever be subjected to such behavior from their parents, NEVER-EVER.


After 68 years of INDEPENDENCE, we have still failed to achieve one thing- respect women!

Each day, you open the newspaper or listen to news,you find at least two rape cases covered. And these are just the cases, which have been covered and reported.There would be so many such cases happening in the country, which go unreported, so many victims who have been just silenced under pressure, or many who have been blackmailed with dire consequences.

These heinous acts at such rates by the men in our society forces women/girls to be always subjected to authority. These acts forces parents to be extra cautious about their girl child.

We maybe independent from the British Raj, but we are still living in a country driven by the male chauvinism,where few men ruin the society with their acts.These men feel they can commit such acts,and can go unnoticed. And to add it, they even justify their acts.
When few of the rape accused were interrogated on why did they commit such crimes,they came up with answers like "We wanted to punish the girl, because she was roaming around with a guy so late in the night." 

Really?! Who gives a man the right to punish a girl?Who gives the man the right to decide what she can do,and what she can't?
Tracking the root is easy,the cause being men in our country still fail to respect women,treat them as an equal. Somehow men always tend to feel superior to women, and think she is their way to vent out any sort of frustration or anger. And EQUALITY takes a side track here.

We call ourselves a part of independent INDIA. But are the women of India really independent?

For me,in true sense,India would be independent when women of all cadre,caste,creed can live,breathe and stay freely-without the fear of being molested,sexually assaulted,eve-teased or raped.
When women can do what they want.
When the women in our country can walk with their heads high,without being subject to any authority and be damn-care.
When women can feel secured in all circumstances.
When all the parents having girl child, can be in peace, even after knowing that their daughter is outside home.
When such heinous acts would be made stringently punishable by law.
When the men in our society can stand up for the wrong that is being inflicted on the women.
When the men and women are allowed to stay,think and live in equality across all cadres,caste and creeds.
When the men in our country will start respecting each and every woman.

It is such a shame and an irony, that India is the country where we pray to numerous female deities but on the other hand women are treated with such atrocities.

The country needs  the awakening of men,much more than awakening of women.

So that every girl or woman can say "I am INDEPENDENT" in literal terms.

Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!


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