Movie anatomization : Dosar

From the time I had seen this movie, I had been eagerly wanting to pen down my thoughts on the concept of the movie. 
The movie in a true sense is highly thought provoking. πŸ˜”

Not being very expressive with words, penning down about the movie was an arduous task for me but the plot is definitely a writer's delight.



DOSAR - the movie intrigues about the diversified human emotions - and it's aftermath.

The Rituporno Ghosh movie scores a 10/10 in the attempt to get across the story to the audience - if not all he has definitely won my heart. He is indeed an exceptional storyteller and director.

Dosar going by the lexicon means an emotional companion or just a companion for that matter.

One may find it odd that in the world of colors, the filmography of the movie has been done in Black&White. My interpretation of this was that the director wanted to signify the convoluted-dark side of the human emotions.

The film opens with a scene where Meeta(Chandayee Ghosh) is shown singing a beautiful melody.
Koushik(Prosenjit Chatterjee) on the other hand is checking out of the hotel, inquiring about the extra charges on the bill - to which the receptionist notifies that was for the orchids purchased by his wife from the florist. 
Next they show Meeta hurts herself while placing the orchids in the car - Koushik nurses her when Meeta very subtly complains to Koushik that he doesn't spend much time with her. The talk concludes with planning for their next trip to Darjeeling - where there are beautiful orchids found. πŸ’š
Meeta retorts to this, not Darjeeling, but somewhere in the interiors where there will be no signal on the phone and she can have all the time with Koushik. 
And then the mega twister - a grave accident occurs which changes the equation altogether. Koushik is left hospitalized,severely injured and Meeta dead. 
Meeta's role although short lived, is quite impactful through the story telling. πŸ‘

Soon after the accident, Kaberi(Konkana Sen) gets a call from the police, wherein she rushes to the hospital, not only find her husband in a near death condition but also her marriage. 😩
Koushik, her husband was in an apparent relationship with Meeta who happened to be his colleague.

The series of events portrays irony at its best. All this while Kaberi had been supporting her friend's Bobby and Brinda (Parambata Chatterjee,Pallavi Chatterjee) having an extra-marital affair, quoting "Her husband is a monster".
But now when the tables have turned,Kaberi has to face the brunt of an illegitimate relationship of her husband - she couldn't be more crushed and shattered. 

Of course being a 21st century woman, we are very much acquainted with bountiful jargons on feminism, independence, freedom etc, and the only thing that would come to any woman's mind is to never forgive the man who broke her trust and let the things of present become that of past.

But as they say, it is easier said than done. And how true, the two sides of the coin are unearthed - a responsible wife who loves her husband unconditionally and the other -  THAT woman who has to bear the brunt of her husband's infidelity?! 😒

When you see the movie, you sense  the internal fight of a woman who lets her emotions win over her anger but of course with time and with pace.

But was this transformation easy?!Of course not, how can it be?! 

Kaberi is seen continuously combating with herself.
She is stuck between helping her injured husband recover and venting out her anger.

You can literally feel the heat in the scenes that follow - where despite, asking for a divorce from her estranged husband, she still does care for his well-being!
She is just unable to find enough ways to let out her frustration which has accumulated over the course of time.

Small nuances create such an impact on the viewer - noticing how Kaberi breaks the news to her husband that his lover Meeta is dead, without even a flinch on her face is commendable!
You can see the grieving wife taking a bolder stand and feel absolutely nothing to deliver the news of someone's death. She tactfully plays with the word "BRAVE" used to describe her and is seen lashing out her frustration and anger on the friends and relatives.

Obviously it goes without denial, it is one hell of a tough ride for Koushik too.
When he is finally discharged from the hospital, Kaberi has a separate room set up for him in the house with a nurse appointed to help him out with his dressings and daily chores. 
This pinches Koushik, yet he tries to maintain his composure and does not give up on juggling between winning his wife's trust back, to simultaneously repairing his severely wounded relationship to coping the loss of Meeta.

In some way as a viewer I felt, Koushik plays quite cunningly on Kaberi's emotions to win her back. He shows the ultimate fear of losing her at that moment rather than showing any sign of remorse, which is barely noticeable.

It is surprising how you would get to witness Koushik's portrayal of jealousy and authority over Kaberi - even after ALL this, does he even have the right to it?!

The movie is a game of emotions and you will witness a galore of it. 

How one accident triggers a series of events in the lives of Koushik & Kaberi and the people revolving around them?!

The movie on one hand, brings to light a woman's capacity to forgive,but on the other hand it also subtly raises a question - would Koushik have accepted Kaberi - had she done the same with him?
What would have Koushik done, had Meeta been alive after the accident?!
It leaves room for quite some questions to be answered by the viewer - to ponder one's own reaction, imagination, if caught in a similar situation?! Gosh...

The gist I would put it as -  a beautiful portrayal of human emotions . To bring such a story to the audience in this manner takes a lot of hard work, dedication and is by far is a difficult task. And it has been executed flawlessly by the director.

It not just the protagonist's whose role play defines the movie but every character adds to the completion of the plot.

Spell bounding! πŸ‘Œ

Full justice done by Konkana Sen and Prosenjit in their role play!

A beautiful poem recited by the Meeta:

tomar thonth amar thonth chhulo

jodio ei prothombar noi
chumbon to ageo bohubar....
eibar thonthe mileche ashroi

jemon shob bhoyer golpe
doitto danob rakkhosh r kkhoy
tile tile shukhoi rajkumari
ontomile rajputrey joy

tobuo khub bhitore badhahin
lorai chole shumbo nishumber
prothom bole,phool to chire khabo
dittio bole,hath pate shekh

ashole tumi dirgho shalmoli shobar matha chariye torubor
tomar thonth amar thonth chhulo
r je kichu okinchitkor!!


your lips touch mine, not the first time,even!
Kisses have been there,always,
This time,it felt heaven.

As in those fairy tales,
loom spectre,demon and death,
the princess wanes bit by bit,
but the prince wins at last breath.

But somewhere, deep within,
a fierce duel unbridles,
One says, " Ravage the flower"!
"Entreat"!, the other fiddles.

You are infact, the lofty Shalmoli,
That towers above us all.
Your lips do touch mine,
Insubstantial, the rest fall.

Hats off to the director - the man Rituporna Ghosh who truly deserves a standing ovation for bringing such a beautiful plot to life in the form of movie and portraying human emotions at its best and worst!


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