Lifestyle : My tryst with Yoga - Part II

Adding more to the list of asanas after my first post :

1. CHAKRASANA - also known as the wheel pose. Lie down on your back, feet apart. Bend your knees, place your palms close to your shoulders as shown in the figure. Inhale and put little force on your palms and first pull your lower body up and eventually pull your hips up too as shown below.  Your feet should be firm on the ground.
It is difficult to get through in the first attempts - so in the initial stages you need to just try to pull your lower body up and rest - and eventually with practice you will be able to pull up your entire body.
Caution : should not be tried with people with weak back or knees.

2. BHUJANGASANA - lie down on your stomach, keep your feet together. Place your hands close to your shoulders and your elbows must be aligned at 90 degrees as shown below. Now inhale and pull only your upper body up - neck should be positioned as shown. It is also known as the cobra pose.

3.ANJANEYASANA - It is similar to the VIRABHADRASANA, only you have to pull yourself backwards in this asana. Keep the distance between your feet wide to allow more space, and the leg which is in front must be parallel to the floor.

4. UTKATSANA - Also known an the chair pose. Hold your hands up in Namaskar position - with both palms touching each other.
5. PARIVRTTA TRIKOSANA  - Counter pose of TRIKOSANA - you have to use opposite hands.
6. VIRABHADRASANA II - A different form of the warrior pose.
7. VIRABHADRASANA III - Yet another form of the warrior pose.
8.  MALASANA - Keep your heels on the ground and rest your buttocks. Maintaining the balance in the beginning would be an tedious task, but with practice it will get better. If initially you face too much problems - rest your back against the wall and try the asana.
9. ARDHA CHANDRASANA - Known as the half moon pose. Keep your hands steady while balancing your body.

10. EKA PADA ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA - Seems easy but make sure to keep your heel grounded on the floor. Lift your leg such that it is in line with your arms.

11. CRESCENT LUNGE TWIST - It is a good twisting exercise. Get to the basic VIRABHADRASANA asana and exhale and twist your body and keep your arms folded in Namaskar position.

12. NAVASANA - It is the boat pose. Sit on your buttocks, lift your leg up and reach for your knees with your hands.

The other set of instructions remain the same as in my first post. Albeit, just a refresher:

After the asanas from point 12-15 are practiced as mentioned in - we end our Yoga session for the day.

Try to hold all the above position for a count of 40 minimum. You can take breaks in between - need not do it at a stretch.

You could do a set of five different asanas on each day of the week followed by BALASANA. You could also use a brief time to practice the asanas which are difficult for you to perform.

Don't forget to breathe - breathe naturally.

Take a Yoga break!!
Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!!

P.S All the images have been taken from the worldwide source : Google :)


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