Outlook : COVID-19 - Social Beings, Socially Distanced?!


The demographics of the world is changing at a fast pace -  with many saying, it is plunging into unchartered territories. One of the biggest and strongest crisis in about 100 years has struck and the emergency that it has created is forcing a lot to deviate from the status quo that exists today.
One of the crucial steps taken as part of the process for curbing this pandemic is "Social Distance" ,a key to solving this pandemic at hand - given the remedy for COVID-19 is yet to discovered.

In a world where it is largely believed - "Out of sight out of mind" - how are we going to establish the connections with each other by social distancing?

Ironically as you may call it in today's scenario, humans are synonymously known as social beings - have you wondered why? 
If you just google "Social Being" - the first thing that pops up and I am sure you would resonate with it as well :
In the view of Karl Marx, human beings are intrinsically, necessarily and by definition social beings who, beyond being "gregarious creatures", cannot survive and meet their needs other than social co-operation and association.

Things that we took for granted, are now coming to bite us hard.

Being an ambivert myself - the challenging question is how am I going to build new connections,  relations, friends, if at all social distancing becomes the norm?
Humans by far are judgemental creatures and meeting some one has the old world charm. We tend to observe closely - listen and capture, how people react and respond , distinguish their body & facial gestures - you may tend to argue, all of it is possible in the virtual world as well. 
But somewhere, I still feel the same level of comfort or ease wouldn't be achievable -  there would still be copious psychological fallouts that would prevail. The ease with which the sense of belonging is co-created with physical proximity is not going to be the same with the chats/calls/video calls/face time.

Isn't it the case - that as we move from place to place, we tend to grow closer to the friends/relatives we are able to meet regularly than the ones we have left behind in other cities/countries/continents - but of course the bond doesn't die, albeit it boils down to either distance makes the heart grow fonder or farther.

The virtual world with its fast advancements in technology, definitely is making it easier to connect with each another via video calls/face time - but how prepared are we to adapt to, if this would be the only medium to connect with one another? 
Human mind needs a lot of preparedness to adapt to any change - be that behavioural, habitual, technological or anything for that matter - 21 days to form a habit as per studies.
Technology as an option vs technology as a mandate is distinctively going to be human mind's predicament.
The question arises will technology be able to emulate the plethora of emotions going on, in the human mind while meeting in person versus connecting over video calls/face time.

Take for example - when you join any organisation, you graduate from being fairly new to making your mark there. 
Doesn't it so happen, that with time your colleagues become your close friends?
In fact, few of my closest friends are my work colleagues. 
If you reflect, how do think this transformation occurred - isn't it over those simple day to day activities like geared up discussions over cup of chai, the intense banters in meetings, the day to day conversations, sharing joyous moments, celebrations,  the late work dinners? Isn't it then, that the bond becomes stronger, comfort grows and you get to know the people better - I might be wrong in denying the possibility of this being achieved in the virtual world - but can the connect be the same? 
In my opinion, there would always be that distinguishing thin line - no?!

Having said all of it, come to think of it, we are blessed to have access to this fascinating world of technology ,which is better than having nothing - isn't it? There are many who still don't have access to this luxury - should I still be calling it luxury or just a necessity?πŸ€”

Pondering on social distancing , is sure to create jitters in one's mind followed by umpteen other questions.
How would we emote? 
How would we predict the human counterparts behaviour ?
How would we function from now on? 
Will social distancing become the new normal?
Will the humankind remain the same ?
Is there an evolution being triggered by some unknown forces? 
Are we eventually becoming prisoners of time?
Will isolation be the new form of life?
Will we find comfort in staying at home and give up the real world activities?

And that's not it -  social distancing stands at affecting much more - ranging  from the education system , the economy , politics, healthcare , business , jobs and many more.

The change towards which we are headed, is a big leap towards a psychological disruption at a cost of totally undefined feelings of anxiousness, vulnerability , fear , unmindfulness , social unrest , solidarity , loneliness , isolation , panic attacks creeping the human mind. 

The uncertainty, that is looming is beyond comprehension - with thousand questions remaining unanswered. As I see it, uncertainty has the highest potential to mess up the human mind -  humans are engineered such that they seek certainty of some form in every aspect of their life, it is the unknown that causes chaos, stress and negativity.

On a lighter note, even those introverts who said loneliness is addictive, and had continually declined those Friday evening party invitation to cram up at their homes- watch Netflix and chill, would be desperately waiting for this social distancing to end. 😁 😜

Hoping things change faster than anticipated. More importantly having realised the importance of the gifts bestowed upon us - I hope that we all  learn to appreciate and value every little thing, every opportunity provided to us. 

It is time we express our heartfelt gratitude!πŸ™πŸ»

Few steps to reduce the affects of social distancing :

1. Call your friends and family often - keeping a tab on them as to how they are holding up - especially people staying alone.
2. Discuss the current situation with your friends and family - so that you can figure out the emotions running in their head and yours as well.
3. Be more cognitive of other people's needs.
4. Try and be as much as empathetic and caring as possible.
5. Give time to people to adjust to the new ways of communication - be persistent.
6. It will be hard to foster enthusiasm with your friends and family - but keep trying.
7. Avoid working in silos for long periods - connect often on one to one or in groups.
8. Keep a check on your mental health - if you need help, ask for it - don’t  hesitate.
9. Engage in physical activity.
10. Focus on your well being.
11. Keep your mind strong, calm - away from all the negativity.
12. Keep yourself informed, but don't spend too much time on the social media - it would just get you overwhelmed.
13. Use this time, to take up on that hobby you always wanted to pursue.

#staysafe #stayhome #supporteachother 

Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!

P.S Image sourced from Google/Forbes.


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