Lifestyle : My tryst with Yoga - Part I

With the second World international yoga day being celebrated today, I would like to contribute my bit in helping create awareness about Yoga. :)

Yoga is a term which is well acquainted with a larger audience today including the varied cultures across the globe.

Yoga has been derived from Sanskrit word YUJ, which means union of self consciousness with the universal consciousness.
The knowledge of Yoga finds its origin to more than a thousands years ago.

Stated rightfully by the Art of Living - Yoga opens infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.

Yoga provides the vital wellness of the mind, body and soul - in short it yields in a holistic approach towards wellness. Yoga is a combinations of various asana, breathing techniques and meditation techniques. It aids in building strength, flexibility and focus.

I was recently watching a short video by Sadhguru, where he explained Asana in just one word i.e. posture.
Any posture that your body can take is an asana, and the body as we know can take up innumerable postures.
Out of the many Asanas, 84 asanas have been identified as Yogasanas - which are the many possibilities where the body will not sit as a hurdle but act like a channel for your ultimate possibility.
Yogasanas - helps you take charge of life and transform your mind and body into a passage of possibility and not a barrier or block .
For different states of consciousness that you experience your body tends to takes certain postures - observe your postures when you are happy, agitated or upset. By getting your body in certain postures consciously, you can elevate your state of consciousness.
What he mentioned is really true, the mind is very difficult to control. It plays various tricks to push your mind to believe many things and dump you the other day.
On the other hand, the physical body is the easiest thing to work with - you can always know whether it is cooperating with you or not. It acts as a reliable factor if you work with it sensibly - and eventually Yogasanas can lead to the ultimate union of both.

After trying various weight loss methods - recently I gave in to my resistance to Yoga and joined a class in my nearby locality.
To say, in these 21 odd days  I can vouch that Yoga has helped me imbibe with happy changes in my lifestyle - in a way that is helping me evolve in the nuances of life.

Yoga bars no age and can be practiced by one and all.

Push yourself to this joyful, happy and healthy way of life. :) Namaste YOGA!

Following asana when practiced could bring about good changes in your body - these are the asanas I have learnt till date in my Yoga class.

We always start with the warm up asana which is the SURYA NAMASKAR - the first five minutes should be slow and the next 1-2 minutes must be tried in a fast pace. Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 poses which helps you stretch out. You could find the poses in the figure below:

1. SARVANGASANA - Also known as the shoulder stand pose. To get to this pose can be difficult in the beginning - but to start with you need to roll and bring your lower body up. Lying down and bringing your lower body up could be a task. So the key is to roll!!

2. CHATURANGA DANDASANA -  in lay man's language : planks :) Support your body on your hands and legs - serves as a great balancing asana.

3. BALASANA - Sit in upright position by bringing your knees together and resting your buttocks on your feet. Exhale and slowly rest your stomach on your things such that the forehead touches the mat and your hands stretch out. Make sure buttocks are touching your feet simultaneously as your forehead is touching the mat. Also known as child's pose.

4. VRIKSASANA - commonly known as tree pose. Stand erect, raise your arms above your head to form a pose similar to prayer style. Bring your one leg up, as shown below. The leg should either rest above or below your knee - not on your knee, this would avoid unnecessary weight on your knees and cause further damage. Look straight, head up and back straight!

5. TRIKONASANA- Triangle pose, stand straight and then place your feet as apart as possible. One feet should be aligned at 90 degrees and the other at 30 degrees inwards. Now bend your body to the right and bend towards the floor. Keep your shoulder aligned with your feet and look up towards your palm. Back must be kept straight and aligned. You can also try it with opposite hands but same leg posture.

6. DHANURASANA - also known as the bow pose. Lie on your stomach with your feet apart. Now fold your knees, hold it upwards, stretch your arms and hold onto your ankles.Breathe in and take your chest off the ground.
7. ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA - Difficult to explain the steps. Follow the steps as given in the figure.

8.NATARAJASANA - Stand straight, arms on your side. Slowly inhale and bring your right leg upwards by slowly bending your body. Simultaneously bring your left arm in the front, and try hold your uplifted leg with your right hand.

9.USHTRASANA- Kneel and bend backwards. Then try to hold your right heel with your right hand and the left heel with the left hand and then stretch backwards.

10.VIRABHADRASANA - This is the warrior position. Place your feet as apart as possible, one feet should be aligned at 90 degrees and the other at 30 degrees inwards.  Bend your feet which is aligned at 90 degrees - try to get the thighs in parallel to the ground and take your arms up in prayer position over the head. Make sure that the feet aligned at 30 degrees inwards must have the knee straight.

11.VASISTHASANA - More often known as the side plank. Follow the pose as in the figure. Your weight should be on your ankle. You have to balance on your arms - again a good balancing asana.

  12.KAPALBHARTI PRANAYAMA - Take any meditative posture(back straight,  head up)which you can retain for about five minutes or so. Close your eyes and relax your  body. Take a deep breath and now forcefully exhale through your nostrils by contracting your abdominal muscles. You have to focus on your exhalation, inhalation would happen automatically. Your upper body should remain intact without much movement - and only your abdominal muscles and nostrils should be the ones doing the workout. Try to repeat the asana for about a minute or so in a single go.

        13. ANULOMA VILOMA PRANAYAM - This is alternate breathing through your left  and right nostril without retention of breath. You need to sit in a meditative posture(back straight, head up) and start with inhaling with your left nostril - keeping your right nostril closed. Next exhale from your right nostril, keeping your left nostril closed. Now again breathe in from your right nostril, keeping your left nostril closed and repeat the process. Repeat this process.

  14. BRAHMARI PRANAYAM -  Sit in a meditative posture(back straight, head up)inhale deeply from your nose. Close your eyes with index fingers, mouth with ring and small fingers and ears from respective thumbs as shown above. Exhale slowly, while making a deep steady humming sound like that of a bee.  Repeat this for 3 times.

 15. DHAYANA - Sit in a meditative posture(back straight, head up). Retain the posture for about a minute - concentrate on the point between your eyebrows, be aware of your surroundings, your thoughts. Be relaxed.
Next slowly rub your palms against each other and place it on your face - this helps to awaken and increase your level of awareness and concentration.
Now inhale deeply from your nose and while exhaling say aloud OM to create a resonance - repeat this for 3 times.

After the asanas from point 12-15 are practiced - we end our Yoga session for the day.

Try to hold all the above position for a count of 40 minimum. You can take breaks in between - need not do it at a stretch.

You could do a set of five different asanas on each day of the week followed by BALASANA. You could also use a brief time to practice the asanas which are difficult for you to perform.

Don't forget to breathe - breathe naturally.

Take a Yoga break!!

I shall update with more asanas as and when I learn in my class. Till then good luck!! :)

Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!!

P.S All the images have been taken from the worldwide source : Google :)


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