Movie anatomization : Kingsman - The Golden Circle

Eggsy a.k.a Taron Egerton was the only reason I wanted to see the movie - Kingsman - The Golden Circle.πŸ’— Looks and speech!! πŸ˜ƒ

RELEASE DATE:  22 September 2017


While Kingsman - The Secret Service had SURELY upped the levels for this sequel but I can surely say this one did not have much to offer in a sense it had nothing new on the plate. πŸ˜‘

With Galahad's death in the first part which left us shell-shocked, this movie surely does that right at the beginning with Miss Poppy blasting off all the Kingsmen including their headquarters - where luck has it that Eggsy and Merlin are saved.πŸ˜•
Eggsy saved by being part of the dinner with his girlfriend Princes' Tilde's parents and Merlin saved by the absence of his whereabouts in the Kingsmen database.
Post the wipe-out, Eggsy and Merlin set out to follow the doom's day protocol. After a hearty drink from the STATESMAN bottle, they get a clue about Kentucky. It is from here that they make their way to Kentucky, only to discover their American cousins - The STATESMAN.
Suited vs Booted!

The plot is the same dish served in a different platter - while the last movie had a businessman VALENTINE who planned to curb the world population by providing people with free sims which had the features of unlimited calling and data which would be used one fine day for blasting them all away. πŸ˜– As they called it - it was a neurological wave blast.
The Kingsman Golden Circle, went on the similar lines only to inflict the people on illegal drugs with a deadly aftermath which would occur in phases. For example first blue skin rashes, maniac stage, then paralytic attack and finally a gruesome end - death.
MISS POPPY the mastermind behind all this, is a highly educated lady psychopath drug leader, played by Julianne Moore - hiding in Cambodia in her lavish 50's themed headquarters from where she operates her business Golden circle. To aid her is a Kingsman rejected candidate Charlie, who is quite handy I must say. πŸ˜‰
Miss Poppy's ulterior motives lie in legalizing drugs and she barters the antidote with the President, on her terms of money, legalizing drugs and full immunity for herself and her folks.
The President whose behavior has a striking resemblance 😜😜uses this situation in his favor to get rid of the flourishing drug addicts in the society. So he makes it a win-win situation for himself and accepts the terms of Miss Poppy. He wants to ensure drug addicts free country. 😁

On one hand where Kingsman camouflaged as tailors, the Statesman on the other hand as liquor barons with a higher market value.

Statesman address their agents as - Whiskey, Tequilla, Champagne and Ginger Ale.
Speaking of which it was sad to see Channing Tatum play such a small part of Tequilla in the movie, which could have been well done without as well, then why?! 😧I can only hope to see more of him in the sequels.
Halle Berry in the role of Ginger Ale as the technology specialist is simple without much ado.
Whiskey played by Pedro Pascal in full cowboy style stunts and style is fun to watch out for. Especially his skills with lasso. πŸ˜‰

In all, it seemed more of a story of how two secret cousin organizations join hands to fight one problem to become brothers only that Kingsman happen to carry out the arduous task effortlessly. The usual affair, ain't it?!

The action sequence in the first movie was incomparable to this one - it is the comparison with the first version that will make the movie lose out on many genres.

Being an English spy movie, it draws heavy similarities with the James Bond 007 movies - not to forget the super high-fi technologies used to create havoc as well as save one, is worth a mention. Especially how one can be saved even if shot in the brain?!😎

Never the less, Miss Poppy is one ruthless lady who shows no mercy - albeit few scenes are quite disturbing and went too far if I might say. πŸ˜“

The Poppy Burger anyone?! Arghhh....😩😳😱😯

If you are not content with the action, don't worry there is humor too - the best being Elton John who is one of the captives of Miss Poppy. Elton John plays himself in the movie, dressed in bizarre clothes and involved in a fight sequence once he realizes it might be a rescue mission. Had a hearty laugh with his character, the least!😝

Good parts of the movie - Galahad being miraculously saved from his close shootout in the last movie and making a comeback to Eggsy being married to the Princess Tilde to Ginger Ale opting for field work and Tequilla heading to the Kingsman headquarters - the movie ended on a note to come up with sequels in the near future.

For me, the title  - The Golden Circle had to be given more meaning in the film, more than the 24 karats golden circle embodied tattoo. πŸ˜’

The movie is good in its wright but fails to leave the same lasting impressions as its predecessor did.



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