Wanderlust Tales : Road trip to Hadsar Fort, Junnar - Pune

Experiences, as they say, make a person rich, and this trek has definitely made me more aware of the merits physical endurance plus the nuances of trekking with the added advantages of staying calm when you are at your worst! πŸ˜₯

This trek to Hadsar Fort was an eye-opener in many ways and also has raised my appreciation for people who seek constant adventures and go on regular trekking. Kudos!!πŸ˜€

From quite a bit, there was constant nagging amongst our friends to go on a day trip - and after several failed executions with holidays on the way or folks being busy or vehicles being unavailable, this was one just happened! πŸ’–

As they say, the best trips happen almost impromptu. 😝
Last year during this year, we had made it to Matheran - and maybe that was the driving force, to have another cool trip this year around too. 😊

Pune I admit is a hidden gem and there is a lot to unearth about its vast beauty in the form of forts, plateaus, and its enriching history.

Medium for people who trek regularly.
For beginners like me - it was slightly difficult. πŸ˜€


Hadsar Fort - located in the Junnar region and at about 13 kms from the Hadsar village is a heritage-ly rich place. 

It is said to have been built in the Satavahana Era but the fort was captured by the British in 1818 and majorly destroyed by them. 😩

As Google has it, this fort was known as ParvatGad and was used to control the trade routes in between Nanheghat. 
I wish the Government paid more attention to the growth of the place which would then attract more tourists, trekkers.  

The place is indeed a paradise for the trekkers.

We started from Magarpatta City at about 07:00-ish and we were in Hadsar by around 10:30-ish in the morning. 
Not bad I would say for covering a distance of about 120 kms. πŸ‘‹

The route was as below:

We paid a toll of Rs.48/- in all. We passed through 3 toll booths which were validated with the same coupon.
After a drive of about 2 hours or so - we made a quick stop at the Purohit Pure Veg Restaurant for food and freshening up. 

The place was clean, although scarcely crowded had a capacity to accommodate about 100 or more guests. Ther are a couple of open shops set up in the restaurant itself selling chikkis, amla candies, ice-creams, wafers, juices and other snack items.

The washrooms are clean which was a relief. 😌
Opted for the idlis dipped in sambhar served along with chutney. I would say the sambhar definitely didn't impart so much of the south Indian flavors - for me it was more like imbibed with Maharashtrian flavors. Good enough to satisfy the growling tummies though. πŸ˜„
The CHAI, however, was fully elaichi laden and was totally refreshing - the way I like it. Sweet, kadak and the scents of elaichi was....πŸ˜‹
Tummies full and mind freshened up - we zoomed ahead.

We were in for a superb view, from now on. Look at the pictures and judge for yourself. πŸ’•

Our second stop as we were heading towards the fort was for this scenic beauty. Serene.πŸ’š

The river, the greenery just made the view nothing less than perfect. Mesmerizing!
I could just stand here and get lost in my thoughts forever. πŸ˜„
The roads amidst the mighty mountains where you could get a peek into the mammoth rocky structures of the fort were epic!😢

Un-destroyed, the fort would have been one heck of a place.

Surprisingly, buses also run here - given the narrow roads.😳
As we were driving through with the help of the Google Maps, after a point the village roads narrowed down - post which we decided to seek help from the villagers and made a quick decision that we must park the car and start on foot.
The locals were quick to help to let us park the four-wheeler at their angaan and also aided us with guidance with the path to the top. 



Cheers to life!!

~Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! 😊

P.S. All the above photos have been clicked by me. 😊


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