Wanderlust Tales : Exploring Puducherry - Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry

The taxi service was arranged by our resort - The Windflower resort & spa. It was a full day ride timed for about 7-8 hours I believe.

We left around 9:00-ish in the morning and were back to our resort by 17:00-ish hail and hearty.
Pondicherry is a small place - you can cover the city in 2 days with ease and lot of time in hand.😊

From the resort to the Aurobindo Ashram, it is a drive of about 30 minutes or so - mind you the roads are heavily crowded - small city with plentiful of people and tourists.πŸ˜„


  • Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Founded in 1926 under the Mother's guidance,  is I believe one of the top tourist attractions here.

People are flocking the Ashram in great numbers to visit the Samadhi of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother(formerly known as Mirra Alfassa) - which is located at the center of the Ashram in a tree-shaded courtyard.

You can also witness the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, which have been put up in a gallery in the Ashram.

It is here that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lived most of their lives.
No mobile phones, cameras are allowed inside the ashram - you must switch off your phones.
You have to enter the ashram barefoot.

In the ashram, I was surprised to find more foreigners in there than the Indians - who were set in deep meditation and observing pin drop silence.

It is a quiet place for retreat. πŸ’™

The Ashram according to Sri Aurobindo," has been created with another object than that ordinarily to such institutions, not for the renunciation of the world, but as a center and a field of practice for the evolution of another kind and form of life which would in the final end be moved by a higher spiritual consciousness and embody a greater life of spirit."

 There is an immense practice of Integral Yoga with a motive to transform human life into divine life.

Around the ashram are many lodges for the devotees of Maa and Sri Aurobindo.


Cheers to life!!

~Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! 😊

P.S. All the above photos have been clicked by me. 😊


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