Gluttony Events : Krustys , Koregaon Park - Pune

My review for my second Zomato meet up comes quite late - but better late than ever :). This time it was at a place called "Krustys". I have seen this place a couple of times while going through Koregaon Park, but it never crossed my mind to give it a try.
It was an opportunity to try my hands onto something new. :)

Krusty's finds itself located in the Kapila Matrix building, and is right next to the Beer Cafe! Quite an easy place to find and evidently visible from across the road.

As I entered, I found the place setup to be more towards like that of a cafΓ© style. The place houses around 10-15 tables. It is spread out, yet not that spacious. They have tried to provide seating arrangement as per one's comfort.
They have bench style - to the sofas - to the seating across the bar.
The ambiance is nice - lighting is apt.
There are interesting one liner posters put up across the place, and a couple of photos of few delicacies.

Surprisingly apart from the couple of us who had come for the Zomato meet up, there wasn't another soul hanging around.
I could blame it on the Monday - but again not a single soul other than us?!

The menu was carefully chosen to promulgate their best dishes. The restaurant specializes in European - Italian cuisine.

As we settled, I saw the menu again(the menu was mailed as well) - which truly did not make much sense to me, until I tasted the items in the menu. :)
While writing this review, I had to look up for few words on the menu - and I learnt that they are extensively used words in French and European cuisine. :)

It started with the beautiful dish, was the most commendable of the lot that we were offered - THE BRUSCHETTA OF ROASTED BEET & FIG GOAT CHEESE MOUSSE - a beautiful dish, first of a kind for me where a veggie like beet root was used so tactfully with layers of beet root,cheeseeee & figs.
It went from being crunchy to the cheesey mousse melting in your mouth. Absolutely delicious and innovative I would say! We did struggle to find our way to eat it - from using the swadeshi kata chamach or just attack! :P

For beverages - sadly the non alcoholics had only two options. :(
The SHIRLEY TEMPLE and the LEMON ICED TEA were refreshing. And it blended well with the items served for the day.

Then came the CREAMED SPINACH SMOKED SCAMORZA & SUNDRIED TOMATO PIZZA - the pizza was cooked to perfection - thin crust pizza topped with creamed spinach and sun dried tomato - definitely not something I would have tried out of my own will, given the spinach factor.But surprisingly the topping worked well for me. The cheese,spinach and the tomatoes were balanced perfectly.

The next on the list was MEDITERRANEAN SPICED CHICKEN ROULADE - I really liked the colorful plating of the dish, it had plentiful of the cherry tomatoes.
Each piece was served with toothpicks - to make it easier to hog onto. :P
The dish as per its name, had rolled slices of chicken with some greens. Although I did not get the nitty gritty of the ingredients of the dishes - but this dish was one of the stellar dishes of the evening for me. I must have wolfed down a lot of pieces. :)

The PAN SEARED LEMONGRASS PRAWNS - again commendable plating - served in mini soup spoons. Since I am not a big fan of prawns, hence this was a OKay-ish dish for me. But I totally loved the lotus stems - crispy!! My fellow foodies did appreciate the dish. :)

The SEARED CHICKEN & ASPARAGUS SALAD was again hugely admired by my fellow foodies. Again not a fan of salads - so I did not try it. :P

The servings were not unlimited as compared to my last foodie meetup. They served the starters in a rather limited quantity and soon jumped to serving the mains. But in a way it was good, it did not lead to us to be choked by food. :P

For mains, I loved the KRUSTY'S OVEN BAKED PASTA - absolutely stunning. Owing to my strong dislike for any kind of white sauce pasta - this one was creamy,cheesy with beautiful shaped pastas topped with sun dried tomatoes. There were a kick of flavors in the dish, and I absolutely loved the creaminess.

The SPINACH & RICOTTA RAVIOLI - came close to impressing. It was tad bit salty for me - which could have been attributed due to the spinach.
If the salt could pass,the dish could have been another best dish for the evening -it was served with wine sauce and walnuts. It was delicate and utterly soft.

The BACON WRAPPED CHICKEN ROULADE served with mashed potatoes and tossed veggies - was enticing and filling. Minces of chicken wrapped around and cut into oval shaped pieces served with the dark sauce meurette. The sauce attributed to the added flavors.

I did not try the 12 HOUR BRAISED LAMB and the PAN SEARED SEA BASS, but was again drenched in praises by my fellow foodies.

A huge shout of appreciation for the desserts served .
The EIGHT TEXTURED CHOCOLATE CAKE - looked the usual until chocolate ganache was poured over it and it showcased the hidden layers beneath. The hole (for a lack of a better word) created  by the ganache - more or less made it look like a doughnut. :) My first into watching such a delight - had always seeing such fancy stuff in numerous of FB posts. :D
It was totally sinful and rich.
IT was a battle of the mind - at one end your mind would say watch out for the calories,and on the other your heart would just say "TOOT PADO". :P
The PASSION FRUIT CHEESECAKE just melted in the mouth. Beautifully textured!

We got a chance to meet the owners of the place - Rohan and Vidhya. It was nice interacting with them. They really did talk a lot about their restaurant, the kind of innovation they inspire in their dishes,cutleries and ingredients. I loved the passion they showcased.
Vidhya also conducted a master dessert class,where she unveiled the recipe for CHOCOLATE VELVET PUDDING. Simple,easy and can be tried at home. The recipe was shared with all the foodies. And the pudding was just delightful - YUM! :)

What I noticed, the dishes served for the day had spinach,figs and walnuts in plentiful :P Healthy to the optimum!

In all a nicely organised meetup by the Zomato team. Kudos!

Albeit got little less chance to interact with the fellow foodies, but I totally enjoyed the Monday evening - a good kick start for the week. :D

Few pictures from the evening:

The menu
The bruschetta of roasted beet & fig goat cheese mousse

Lemon Ice Tea

Mediterranean spiced chicken roulade
Creamed spinach smoked scamorza & sundried tomato pizza

Pan seared lemon grass prawns

Seared chicken & asparagus salad

Shirley temple

Spinach & ricotta ravioli

Bacon wrapped chicken roulade

Krusty's oven baked pasta

Pan seared sea bass

12 Hour braised lamb

Masterclass - chocolate velvet pudding

Masterclass - chocolate velvet pudding

Masterclass - chocolate velvet pudding

Passion fruit cheese cake

Eight textured chocolate cake

The drama unfolds :D

Zomato goodies

~Bon Appetitt!!

P.S All the pictures have been taken by me.

Krustys Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


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