Wanderlust tales : Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain, Chicago

In continuation from my account of my visit to the city of Chicago - next, we started walking our way out from the Millennium Park. Although the roads are quite busy, walking on the sidewalks and through the park was a pleasant experience. The best part was they have placed road maps on the streets, which are a useful guide.

The Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain - is the largest fountains in the world. There is a beautiful display from the fountain at regular intervals.
The fountain in itself is a beautiful piece of architecture and is one of the major landmarks of Chicago.
It is said that the fountain was donated by Kate S.Buckingham in honor of her brother Clarence.Kate was an art patron and a philanthropist and was the last of the Buckingham family.

There is the Grant Park in less than 500 meters - which is heavily planted with trees and blooming flowers. The pathways have a special charisma and have been designed in such a way that they bring out the photographer in you to capture the beauty.
You will see plentiful of the squirrels running around.
GO ahead and have a lovely walk during the evening here.

The fountain is surrounded by a good number of hotels, I believe  - the Congress Hotel was easy to spot nearby.

There are few benches where you could just let yourself get sunk in the view. 😍

Just have a look at the first picture - fountain with the surrounding high rise buildings, picturesque isn't it?! πŸ˜€

Few enticing pictures from the visit:

Cheers to life!!

~Journey  of a thousand miles begins with a single step! 

P.S. All the above photos have been clicked by me.


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