Outlook : What if Life came with an expiry date?!

While a casual conversation with a friend – a sudden question popped,
                                  “What is life?!” 
Reeling under the bad day I had, a word that summed it up for me, “Shitty”.

In return, what my friend said, struck the chords totally,

“The day you'll understand that you are mortal and your days are numbered ,you will do what you really want to.”

And this is truly the stark reality of life.

Well this isn't something we don't know, yet for some strange reason this realization hasn’t struck for many?!

But why is it so?!
Is it because we live in an overly optimist world - where we want to believe in happily every after. Or is it because we do not want to come to terms with the inexplicable difference in the ‘x’ days in this world being numbered to it ever being innumerable?

Deep thinking on this was also the outcome of the plethora of incidents that I have been a witness to – to start with : how people take their lives for granted, how they don’t happen to value their lives, how they abuse the privileges of life,how they keep complaining & cribbing, how they take sadistic pleasure in creating chaos in other’s life. And each of this is very saddening!

Sometimes I think, wouldn’t we feel more empathetic towards life - if life came with an expiry date?
Wouldn’t we spend it more ethically?
Wouldn’t we register the difference between numerable and innumerable?!
Wouldn't we be more interested in utilizing every bit of the life that has been gifted to us?

Come to think of it, if today I told you -  you have only a few years to live,what would be your reaction?
Numbers indeed have the credibility to add a lot of meaning to life.
Would life remain the same for you?
Would you be still doing the mundane things?
Wouldn’t life take a drastic shift?
Wouldn’t your priorities change?
Wouldn’t you plan and execute your life in a way you want to lead it – making sure you never regret the decisions of your life?
Wouldn’t you handle your relationships better?
Wouldn't you desire to travel the world?

As children, very few of us loved Mathematics – but I strongly feel, it is in this subject, where lies the pillar of understanding life. The magic of numbers can and will help, one chalk out and bring about a certainty in whatever one does.

I think it would be a boon to mankind, if they knew from the beginning of time – how many years they are going to live. 50% of the people would start living their life in actuality and not live just for the heck of it. I want to believe they would paint the streets red with colors of love - and I guess there would be no room for hatred, violence , jealousy , pain , frustration. 
People will step ahead with zeal and fulfill their aspirations, dreams and desires which would ultimately bring about the true happiness in their lives.
Maybe then, each one of us will stop living for that uncertain tomorrow but instead make every moment count today.
It will lead to people living a more meaningful, wise and regret free life.
Everyone will believe in doing good and being good.
And this will eventually lead to appreciating relationships, work, money and everything which comes in the baggage of life - with certain amount of thankfulness.
I think the major worldly issues would come to rest - peace, determination, bonding would take over.

In short, the beauty of life will be realized – which above all is the greatest gift of God. And not just the realisation, it will be embedded deep within our soul.

One could counter argue, that we do know we have 24 hours, but how often do we live the day regret free?! Think about it, maybe it is also driven by the fact that somewhere we know these 24 hours are recurring.

But also to note, irrespective of the odds - there are many who are making every moment of their life count?! Kudos to such folks....

So guys make every moment count - live for yourself - do good, be good - be happy!
Keep no room for any negativity - enjoy your gift with a smile on your face. πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

Yes, each and every day we wake up expecting a better tomorrow - but why not make the today a happy one and cherish it?! No more procrastination....

Cheers to life!!

~Believe in yourself always!


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